pest control company

F.I.C.T Quality plan

Quality starts with science and ends in common sense. We have invested our habits as quality business plan to spark you more. From the first, UPM has been recognized as a reliable source to protect your business by collaborating your valuable novel specifications to scientific pest management tactics. Our precise quality pest control approach unique to each business is dedicated to proactive approach based in scientific research that boost our resources smarter, faster and more effective. UPM Quality Manager puts his expertise to meet your customized requirements following the F.I.C.T quality plan.

F-Facility Assessment to assess the risk

I-Implementation of IPM Plan

C-Compliance & Monitoring

T-Teaching IPM Science

Facility Assessment:

The primary step to launch pest management involves conducting a comprehensive facility survey UPM-IPM team, pest biology and behavior, pinpointing factors that attract pests. Following inspection, a precise IPM plan is developed that outlines proactive and reactive strategies for effective pest control with a comprehensive work breakdown structure.

Implementation of IPM Plan

The subsequent phase involves executing the proposed IPM plan following the defined work structure. Tailored strategies, aligning with IPM principles, encompass primary and secondary defense lines, emphasizing robust monitoring and scouting plans tailored to each pest's specific behavior.

Compliance & Monitoring

UPM relies on robust monitoring with quarterly IPM plan assessments for compliance. The designated quality manager provides continual guidance during third-party audits, ensuring thorough pest control and documentation.

Teaching IPM Science

Successful IPM requires collaborative efforts, based on a scientific approach. UPM hosts an annual complimentary training for comprehensive IPM understanding